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About Suboxone

Suboxone comprises buprenorphine and naloxone, blocking opioid effects like pain relief or euphoria to prevent misuse. It's specifically used to treat narcotic addiction, not as a pain reliever. Purchase Suboxone online for effective addiction treatment.

Dosage of Suboxone

For individuals reliant on short-acting opioids like heroin:

Commence Suboxone when mild opioid withdrawal signs appear, at least six hours after the last opioid use, to prevent withdrawal syndrome onset:

Day 1: Suboxone dose up to 8 mg/2 mg; initiate with 2 mg/0.5 mg or 4 mg/1 mg, titrating buprenorphine in 2 or 4 mg increments at 2-hour intervals.

Day 2: Single dose of 16 mg/4 mg sublingually.

Key considerations when using Suboxone:

Commencement, at least six hours after last short-acting opioid use, preferably when mild withdrawal symptoms initiate, to prevent withdrawal onset.

Patients on heroin or short-acting opioids may start with combination buprenorphine/naloxone or buprenorphine monotherapy.

Suboxone sublingual tablets are not recommended for induction to minimize naloxone exposure.

For those on methadone extended-acting opioids, use buprenorphine monotherapy during induction to avoid potential withdrawal acceleration by trace amounts of naloxone.

Maintenance treatment begins on day 3.


Avoid Suboxone (Narcan) if allergic to buprenorphine or naloxone. Inform your doctor about:

- Head injury, brain tumor, or seizures

- Liver or kidney disease

- Dental issues, including cavities history

- Enlarged prostate or urination problems

Suboxone use during pregnancy can lead to newborn dependency and potentially fatal withdrawal symptoms, requiring weeks of medical care. Purchase Suboxone online from a reliable pharmacy.

Before using Suboxone while breastfeeding, consult your doctor. Report any signs of the nursing infant being sleepy or breathing slowly.

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